Thursday, October 6, 2011

Am I dreaming?! Someone pinch me!

Today is day five and I still can't believe I'm actually in Africa.  It's unreal.  It has been interesting to say the least.  I've met lots of new people and seen a couple of the clinics that the Gabonaise run here in Libreville.  We did mobile clinics on Tuesday and Wednesday with people from the Alliance church.  I've had the chance to get to know Hannah and Leanne, Envision workers in Libreville, as well as CHristy, who is an intern at Hope House.

Tomorrow morning they are going to drop me off at the airport to head to Bongolo until next Friday.  I'm a little nervous since I only know "Bonjour" and "Bien" in French.  I just don't think saying "hello" and "fine" will do much for me if I have any problems.  But they are sending me with a phone and people to contact if I have problems.  (Don't worry Mom!  Or Shelly!!!) 

Enough for now, just wanted to update quick and say hi and thank you for all your prayers.  I can tell so many of you are praying.

Good nite from Africa!  :)


Grandma Carol said...

Jenny, so good to hear from you. You have been in my prayers all the time. Ruthie and I had lunch with your mom today. Take care and you will do fine with the travel to Bongolo. Carol

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. You were on my heart all day Wednesday and we prayed for you at small group. Today I have a lot of time to pray for you too. Love you Jenny.

Shawn Hegarty said...

Love it Jenny!!! Did you get my message in your letters BE SAFE!!!! So glad to hear its going well!!!!
Love ya
PS what do you think am I good artist