Saturday, August 2, 2014

My brother is God

So not actually, but attention grabber, huh?  :)  I watched this little scenario play out and wanted to blog about it so I can come back to this as a reminder to myself.  Nothing earth shattering, but simply needed this reminder for my anxious heart.  I'm hoping it will encourage you too and remind you how much you are loved and cared for.  Always.

I was at a cabin for a few days with my family.  My niece, Vivian, who is three years old REFUSED to touch the sand.  It's not that she doesn't like water.  She's done swimming lessons since she was like six months old.  I've been to a few of her lessons and she has put her head under (voluntarily!), jumped off the ledge, rocked her back float-she loves it all!  But the lake (or the "river" as she kept calling it) was different from the pool she normally swims in.  The pool at swimming lessons has different water.  It's inside.  And has no sand.  We tried to convince, persuade and bribe her, but she rejected our offers.  Who wouldn't touch sand for almost three bucks?!  Vivian.  That's who. 

My brother held her and was dangling her feet in the water, swinging her back and forth.  She laughed and giggled, but as soon as he would start to lower her into the water, she would scream.  You would think if she would just get her feet low enough and "accidentally" hit the sand, she would be fine.  She would realize how nice it feels on her little feet.  There's no rocks.  No seaweed.  Nothing.  But it's the unknown.  It's different.  As she was screaming and pulling her legs to her chest so she wouldn't have to touch that horrific sand, she began to cry.  My brother tried to calm her.  Tried is the key word.  And then he said something along the lines of "Vivian, the sand isn't bad.  TRUST ME!  It's not going to hurt you.  I promise.  Do you think I would ask you to touch it or let you be in here if it was bad for you?"  As he brought her up and held her tense, scared little body, he assured her, "I got you.  I won't let you go."  She believed it.  She relaxed and knew that her daddy meant what he said. 

I'm usually not one to make things sound so dramatic, but as I watched Jesse and Vivian, I couldn't help but think about the love a father has for his child.  That still, small voice gently reminded me that this is a tangible, visual example of a sliver of God's love for me (and YOU!).

I often find myself discontent and feel like my life should be more put together (whatever that means).  I'm a control freak and struggle with needing to be independent and self-sufficient and hate relying on anyone, sometimes God included.  I know in my head that He is good and faithful and He has never let me down (and all those other lovely promises in the Bible), but WHAT IF this time is different?  (Silly, I know.)  But insert my attempt to control and take care of things.  I just want a map of my future and where I should be and what I should be doing.  As I watched Jesse and Vivian, it was like God said, "Jenny, it won't hurt you.  I promise!  TRUST ME!  Would I call you to go somewhere or do something that isn't for your good and my glory?  I got you.  I won't let you go."  He does this.  Again and again.  And again and again.  And unlike Viv, I still question it.  What a reminder of childlike faith.  In her mind, her daddy said it-so it's truth.  No ifs, ands or buts.  No questions.  I know my Father means what He says, but my human nature gets in the way so quickly.  Father, help my unbelief.  I am thankful that God continues to remind me of these Truths.  Again and again.  And again and again.  You're welcome for the reminder.  :)

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