Wednesday, June 8, 2011

T minus three months, three weeks and one day

What is going to happen you may be asking?!  Well, let me tell you!!!  I will be boarding a plane to Gabon, Africa to go on a little adventure!  :)

I've had this blog for awhile and as you can see, I'm not a very consistent blogger and tend to just ramble sometimes...  anyhow....  my intentions are that I will post sporadically to update those who are interested on how things are going in the next few months as I prepare for my trip.  I also figured I could use this for those who are wondering specifically how they can be praying and then if I have internet access while I'm there, I can just update, rather than trying to make sure I get everyone's email address.

For those of you who are wondering why/when/where/how/etc I'm going, let me fill you in...  Last fall, I decided I wanted to do some sort of short-term missions trip (see previous post) and have always wanted to go to Africa (It's on my bucket list in fact...).  So my associate pastor suggested I look into missions opportunities through my church (The Christian and Missionary Alliance).  It just so happens that the Alliance has two sites in Africa and they needed help!  I fly out October 1st and return October 18th and will jump back into work the next day-can't wait!  I'm hoping to do/see some medical missions stuff, but am willing to do whatever I can to help, serve and love.  As I prepare and think about what will happen, I often question why I'm going...I find myself asking God, "Do you realize who I am???  There are other people who are much more capable for this kind of thing!!!"  (You know, because God needs my input...)  Two quotes that are great encouragement as I prepare are the following:

1.  God does not call the equipped, He equips the called.             AND
2.  God's work, done is God's way and God's timing, will never lack God's resources.

I love that I don't have to know everything, be perfect or know the answer to every question.  God can use a sinful, foolish human like myself to bring Him glory and honor.  And it's not what I'm doing, but what He's doing through me.  God will give me exactly what I need and at the exact time that I need it.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I am SO excited for you and your upcoming journey!! God knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he chose you to go!! You are going to do great things there with the people that you will be helping. :D