Thursday, June 23, 2011

Valleyfair Conviction

Sounds kinda silly, doesn't it?

I had the pleasure of spending the day at Valleyfair with some wonderful students from youth group and spent a large portion of the day with three girls in particular.  While on one of the rides, Extreme Swings, as we are waiting for the staff to complete all their checks, I had a conversation that was something along these lines:

Rachel: Funny how much trust we put in these rides...
Me: I know, right?!  We get on these rides without even thinking about it or questioning whether they'll break down or malfunction, but yet sometimes, I hesitate and struggle with trusting God (you know-creator of the universe, King of Kings, Lords of Lords....yeah him) with stuff going on.
Rachel: Well, at least if something does happen, we know where we're going! (Way to look on the brightside!)

The ride continued and was amazing.

Later on that day, I was waiting to go on the Rip Cord with two other students.  While we are in our harnesses, waiting for our turn and watching this guy drop from the tower and free fall, we had a conversation that was something along these lines:

Wyatt: Times like these are when you ask yourself-what am I doing?!  This is a stupid idea!!!
Me: Times like these are when you say to yourself-You only live once!!!

Both of these thoughts really stuck with me through the day.  (Who knew Valleyfair was so spiritual and thought provoking!?)  :)

I was convicted that I easily place my trust in other things (often myself) and question whether God really has my interest in mind.  I know in my head that He does, but my trust level and desire to control does not always reflect that.  

I also go a little overboard of people pleasing and caring what other people think, but I'm right...I only live once!  So who cares?!  As long as I'm pleasing God, what else matters!?!?!

"Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"   Well said, Dr. Seuss, well said.


Kristina said...

You know I can honestly say that I am not a fan of Dr. Seuss but I kind of like that saying. I can't believe how eye opening Valley Fair can be. We don't see what goes on in the background to make it work but we trust that it will. Why is it hard to trust God for me then. Maybe someday I will learn to easily let go let God!

victoria said...

I was thinking about somethin too. You or someone said while you guys were on that superman one I'm almost to heaven and it made me think is heaven up there? Or is it right next door? They always say so and so is looking down on you. Are they looking down on you or are they standing right next to?


S said...

This post made me think of a Beth Moore book my friend and I are just starting to read: Believing God.
I found it used online for like $2.
We always say we believe IN God, but what good does that do if we don't BELIEVE HIM? Knocked my socks off!