Thursday, January 17, 2008

2 Weeks Down

So it's finally the end of week 2. I slightly discouraged, but feeling pretty good. The scale at home has not been budging AT ALL. However, I've been feeling pretty good. Not just physically either, but I've noticed an improvement in my emotional, mental and spiritual health and I guess that's more important than a dumb number on a scale. But it would be nice to see that go down. I played wally ball on Monday, which I had never done and it was sooooooooo much fun! I had an hour to spare before going back to work so I went to the gym and decided to go on the treadmill. I ran a 5K!!! It was very slow and took me a long time, but I completed it and that was a big-little step. This whole weight thing is so mental, it's irritating. Tonight, I was thinking about how like 5 years ago, I could go running and if I was tired, I just kept going. I would turn up my music and just go to town and that was that. Now, I barely start gasping for air and I'm ready to quit. I'm anxious to weigh-in tomorrow. Then I am heading to Iowa for the weekend, which may set me back a little because I probably won't go to the gym at all and I'll be eating out and sitting in a car driving for 15 hours. And what do you do then to stay busy in a car-you eat...I'll have to bring some good CD's and rock out instead of munching on snacks. 8 hours and counting to the end of week 2!

1 comment:

Linzeeloo said...

Good Work Jenny! It is amazing what this process does to your emotional state. I've been a completely different person's awesome!