Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday, Monday

So the first weigh-in was this last Saturday. I wasn't expecting to do good. It was my last week before starting classes and my only week off from work, which wasn't even technically off. Anyhow, I ate out basically every day, sometimes twice. My main goals are to not eat after 9 p.m. and not to have second helpings, but when I go out to eat, I end up eating whatever I ordered, which is way more than I need. So my goal for this week is to eat out less.

Surprisingly I only gained three tenths of a pound. If I ate like a normal person, I could've actually done really well. I know that exercise isn't my problem. I honestly enjoy a good workout. Between work, school, and the rest of life, I seriously start to get depressed if I don't exercise to release some of that built up energy/anger/agression/whatever you want to call it. I felt somewhat motivated because I ate like crap and still only gained that little bit, so I told myself this was going to be a great week. I just checked the "standings" and I'm in last, I suck.

This has really made me realize how much I lack discipline in my life. Not only in the health area, but in basically every other area of my life too. I was talking to my mom about studying for my nursing boards, which are coming up this Spring. Over my break, I was going through a unit each day. So my amazing mother (truly she is) says to me, "just keep doing a unit a day." Of course, Pessimistic Jenny shoots back with, "I can't possibly do that when school starts. I won't have time" And my mom goes on some schpeel about discipline. Which I have none. Not for school, not for healthy eating, not for studying for my boards...I always have good intentions and that's as far as I get. I had this great idea to get into a habit of waking up early, working out, doing my daily devotions/God time (that's another discipline that needs work...) and then shower and get ready for the day. So I set my alarm for 7:15 this morning. And I got out of bed at 8:15. Just in time to shower and go to class...

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